What We Believe

1. We hold the Bible as the sole basis for what we believe. We believe the Bible is God-inspired, errorless, and the final authority on all matters.

2. We believe the Bible teaches there is one God; all powerful, all knowing, ever present and self-existing. He has manifested Himself to the world in three distinct personas, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each possessing all the attributes of God. 

3. It is our belief God desired family as shown by creation. Man willfully went contrary to God's command and sinned. In order to be reconciled to Him, we needed a Savior which God provided in the form of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. 

4. Jesus had a miraculous birth and lived a sinless life, voluntarily paid the price for our sin by dying on the cross as our substitute. This sacrifice accomplished the saving work needed for us to be reconciled to God for all who would trust in Him alone. 

5. He rose from the dead demonstrating for all creation He is the resurrection and the life and giving hope of life eternal for all who would trust in Him alone for salvation. He will return some day to fulfill the promise of God.

6. It is the Holy Spirit which draws all men to Christ and it is He who equips believers for service, personal growth, and edification of the church. We are called to glorify God with our actions and words through worship and praise, service, compassion, evangelism, commitment and fellowship.

7. It is the church's job to glorify God and serve their community. This means we are not an island unto ourselves but an interactive part of The Church of our community. As such, our focus has to be to further God's kingdom here where we live, our area, state, region, country and world. 

8. All will someday stand before Him in the judgment. Those who have trusted in Him as Savior to eternal Fellowship with God and all others to a place prepared for the enemies of God.

9. We believe the local church is the storehouse spoken of in Mal 3:10 and therefore the place God designated for the giving of tithes and offerings. God gave His only Son, so we as His children should be giving. Winston Churchill said, "We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." We also believe the church, as a storehouse, has a responsibility for the money given and must be able to give account for what and how money is used for the kingdom.