Sea La Luz

We support "Sea la Luz", a missionary endeavor in Ecuador.  Dave, Sharman and Kjersti Injerd are working with the mountain Indian people in the Andes mountains outside Quito, Ecuador.  

Here's the latest newsletter from the missionary family our church supports

Even flight


September, 2018
Hallelujah, dear Saints!

What a wonderful time we had with many of you in July and August. We so appreciate your hospitality, encouragement and so much enthusiasm! To those churches that gave us the opportunity to speak into your precious people, thank you. We are overwhelming humbled by your love and the way you honored us. Thanks also to the dear friends that opened their homes to host groups, what a privilege and blessing. We pray God´s tender hand over each of you in protection and multiplication.

The 16th year of the Tambo school is off and running. What a darling group of children God has entrusted to us to guide and teach. We praise God for the able and capable teachers we have on staff - all of whom live in Tambo and have been with us for the entire adventure. We can step back and breathe deeply with peace that we have completed this phase of what God has sent us to do. Two of the meanings of the number 16 are “an established foundation” and “preparation for the birth of the new.” With confidence we can handoff more of the administration and maintenance of this awesome work God has created in this chosen place. Praise the Lord with us, for this releases us to step into our new phase of schools in the deep jungle with the Waodani.

To build an established foundation with this unique culture will require that we spend weeks at a time living with them. One of the ramifications of this isolated place is the lack of communication with the “outside” world, i.e. no phone, no internet. This will be a stretch for us. Your prayers will be appreciated even more.

Each year in the Tambo school, we try to have a weekly spiritual focus that provides continuity throughout the school year. This year the Lord put on my heart that the children and staff must confidently KNOW what God says about them. Remember how Goliath mocked and cursed the Israelites for 40 days? Satan, the accuser of the brethren, constantly throws darts at each of us and negates us before God. The devil knows (and so does the media) that if we listen to a lie long enough it will become part of what we believe. Therefore, in Philippians 4:8 it tells us, “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.”

Each week this year, we will memorize and internalize a verse that tells us what God says about us. Examples: Isaiah 1:18 - I am forgiven. John 3:16 - God loves me and I have eternal life. Jeremiah 29:11 - I have a future and hope. Galatians 4:6-7 - I am a son/heir of Almighty God. The truth sets us free to be all God created us to be.

Our current prayer requests for the very near future are three-fold:
**In a couple of weeks, we will be hosting several Waodani to come to Tambo for an intense teacher training week. The people coming will be those teaching and maintaining the school in Gontiwano but they have NO teaching experience and are from a different culture. We have much to cover and must be very sensitive.
**Immediately following the training week, Dave and I will go with our brothers to their community in the deep Amazon jungle. We will stay with them for about three weeks to start classes and walk them through the actual process. There are almost 20 children registered for the school. The adventure continues!
**We pray for volunteers to come down to help in all the projects that God has put in our hands.

Again, dear Saints, many thanks, blessings and our prayers for you.
Together for the Kingdom,
The Injerds
Dave, Sharman and Kjersti