Zimbabwe Outreach Extended

Dan and Yvonne Harding are friends of ours working in Zimbabwe.  Here is their latest newsletter.


"Raise up the foundations of many generations . . ."   Isaiah 58:12

ZOE New Year Newsletter - January 2016
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Thanks!  It's Been a Great Year!
New Year greetings from us in Zimbabwe.  Another year has come and gone.  We've seen God do some wonderful things and we look forward to another great year at VLC and SMILE Village.  We ended 2015 with several events at the school and a party with the SMILE moms.  God has been faithful to us and we give Him all the glory!
In This Newsletter:
  • Victory Learning Centre
  • S.M.I.L.E.
  • MFI (Minister's Fellowship International) Zimbabwe
  • Family News
VLC December 2015
We had a great time with the VLC students at the Bulawayo Water World Park.  This is the second year we have rented the entire waterslide park for our annual end of year event.  The children look forward with anticipation each year for this special time together.  As you can see by the pictures, fun was had by all!
End of Year Awards Night - 2015
Our VLC Annual Awards Night is an exciting time of celebration for all VLC attendees and their families.  Our staff loves giving out awards and honoring those who have achieved various certificates because of outstanding performance.  We are also treated to some drama and dance routines that bring smiles to everyone.
S.M.I.L.E. Village
The village garden output has done better this past year.  We are happy to report that the garden is producing and sales are coming in.  Several contacts with local markets are making it possible for the garden to develop to a place to turn a profit.  So far we have grown and sold green beans, cabbage, tomatoes, sweet corn, lettuce, watermelon and a local green veggie - similar to Kale.  The location of the village makes it convenient for individuals who live nearby to purchase veggies and chickens on their way to and from home.  Thank you for continuing to pray for this project to reach the potential we know it has.  Much more can be done as we grow in the knowledge of farming, business development, and empowerment of single moms.
Minister's Fellowship International  - MFI Ziimbabwe
We have been members of Ministers' Fellowship International since 1991. It has long been our dream to help see an MFI affiliate group get started for ministers and leaders to this country.  Over the past couple years we have worked with leaders to make this dream a reality. Pastor Doug Sherman and Pastor Jeff Ecklund have been assisting us over the past couple years and, God-willing, we will be launching an MFI affiliate here in Zimbabwe through our local church, Victory Fellowship. 
Family News
Ian's 18th Birthday - 26th December
What a joy he has been to us!  God's richest abundant blessings on you son.
Ian played in his first piano recital in December along with his friend, Brandon Hall.  Ian had only started playing the piano the previous year so it was exciting to hear songs such as "Moonlight Sonata" and "The Entertainer" being played.  
Will graduated from Concordia University with a Master's Degree in Teaching this past April.  Following this milestone he applied and was accepted in a teaching position in Battleground, WA.  Angie, our "daughter-in-love" has been a wonderful support to him throughout this transition season.
Danielle is currently living and working in the Dallas /Fort Worth area.  She is working with an organization who help with adoptions and foster care.  Other involvements include leading worship at Edge Coffeehouse and mentoring young people along with other members of the leadership team.  Pictured with Danielle are friends Amy and Josiah.
Our daughter, Tandi, recently made a brave and bold decision to move from the Seattle/Tacoma area, to follow her dream to attend Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM).  We are so proud of her and have seen so much growth and joy in her life.  We rejoice in what God is doing in and through her.
 Having some of our family living close-by (relatively speaking of course -- about 500 miles away) has been such a blessing to us.  It's been wonderful to spend time with our daughter, Michelle, and "son-in-love" Gerald, and grandchildren, Matthew and Andrea.  This year we have been privileged to be with them in South Africa, where they currently live, and here in Zimbabwe. We look forward to the possibility of all our children coming for a holiday in 2017 to celebrate our 40th Wedding Anniversary.  In the mean time we are grateful for the times we do have together.
We trust that you all had a great Christmas and are launching forward in 2016.  Now that we have closed out 2015, we have reflected on all the Lord has brought us through. We are so thankful for each of you and your input into our lives.  God has used you to sustain us on the field and help us fulfill God's call and purpose.  Our family has been blessed in so many ways it is hard to name them all.  Thank you for your faithfulness to sow into our lives and the ministry God has called us to.  Only eternity will show the impact you have made in the lives of so many.  God bless you and may all your needs be met in 2016.  

For the generations...
Dan, Yvonne and Ian Harding
All contributions can be sent to the address below. Checks should be written to
Grace Harvest Church and designated for
Zimbabwe Outreach Extended.  If you are giving specifically to VLC or SMILE Village please also designate.  On-line giving can be done through the Grace Harvest Church website or App.   All contributions are tax deductible in the U.S.A.
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Zimbabwe Outreach Extended
c/o Grace Harvest Church
313 Fig Street
Moses LakeWA  98837